17.18. Postgres-XC Specific Parameters

Note: The following description applies only to Postgres-XC

Because Postgres-XC distribute data into multiple datanodes and multiple coordinators can accept transactions in parallel, specific coordinator must know what coordinators and datanodes to connect. Coordinator and datanode also must know where they can request transaction information. The following describes these additional GUC parameters.

max_pool_size (integer)

Specify the maximum connection pool of the coordinator to datanodes. Because each transaction can be involved by all the datanodes, this parameter should at least be max_connections multiplied by number of datanodes.

min_pool_size (integer)

Minumum number of the connection from the coordinator to datanodes.

pgxc_node_name (integer)

Specifies the node name. A node uses this parameter to identify itself with pgxc_node .nodename

pooler_port (integer)

Reports the port number assigned to the connection pooler.

gtm_host (string)

Reports the name or IP address of the GTM. If you use GTM-Proxy, specify the GTM-Proxy's one.

gtm_port (integer)

Reports the port number of GTM.