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Note: The following description applies both to Postgres-XC and PostgreSQL if not described explicitly.
adminpack provides a number of support functions which pgAdmin and other administration and management tools can use to provide additional functionality, such as remote management of server log files.
Note: The following description applies both to Postgres-XC and PostgreSQL if not described explicitly.
The functions implemented by adminpack can only be run by a superuser. Here's a list of these functions:
int8 pg_catalog.pg_file_write(fname text, data text, append bool) bool pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(oldname text, newname text, archivename text) bool pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(oldname text, newname text) bool pg_catalog.pg_file_unlink(fname text) setof record pg_catalog.pg_logdir_ls() /* Renaming of existing backend functions for pgAdmin compatibility */ int8 pg_catalog.pg_file_read(fname text, data text, append bool) bigint pg_catalog.pg_file_length(text) int4 pg_catalog.pg_logfile_rotate()
Note: Functions of this module run only on the Coordinator you're connecting.