45.2. pg_aggregate

Note: The following description applies both to Postgres-XC and PostgreSQL if not described explicitly.

The catalog pg_aggregate stores information about aggregate functions. An aggregate function is a function that operates on a set of values (typically one column from each row that matches a query condition) and returns a single value computed from all these values. Typical aggregate functions are sum, count, and max. Each entry in pg_aggregate is an extension of an entry in pg_proc. The pg_proc entry carries the aggregate's name, input and output data types, and other information that is similar to ordinary functions.

Note: The following description applies only to Postgres-XC

Table 45-2. pg_aggregate Columns

aggfnoidregprocpg_proc.oidpg_proc OID of the aggregate function
aggtransfnregprocpg_proc.oidTransition function
aggcollectfnregprocpg_proc.oidCollection function (Only for Postgres-XC>
aggfinalfnregprocpg_proc.oidFinal function (zero if none)
aggsortopoidpg_operator.oidAssociated sort operator (zero if none)
aggtranstypeoidpg_type.oidData type of the aggregate function's internal transition and collection (state) data (Revised for Postgres-XC)
agginitvaltext  The initial value of the transition state. This is a text field containing the initial value in its external string representation. If this field is null, the transition state value starts out null.
agginitcollecttext  The initial value of the collection state. This is a text field containing the initial value in its external string representation. If this field is null, the collection state value starts out null. (Only for Postgres-XC)

New aggregate functions are registered with the CREATE AGGREGATE command. See Section 34.10 for more information about writing aggregate functions and the meaning of the transition functions, etc.